Thursday, January 16, 2014

Big Lash Lovin'

By Heather Hanna

For so long, I've avoided any lash enhancing serums. Sure, I dream of longer, more voluminous lashes, but the risk of my eye color being affected or the skin on my eyes darkening is not worth it to me. To me, it's like putting chemicals right on your eye. And I really enjoy my healthy eyes, like a lot.

So, I was researching the Enormous Lash line by Beauty Society. It said paraben and prostaglandin free. Now, I'm familiar with parabens, but prostaglandin? Say that one five times fast. What in the world is that?!

Well, my fellow big lash lovers, it is the ingredient in popular lash serums that darkens the skin around your eyes or affects the color of your eyes. Um, sign me up!  

There is a serum, mascara, brow gel, and liner that all have the active ingredients to grow and add volume to your lashes. If you want to learn more or order your very own Enormous Lash, visit